Fund. Personally the emergency fund is one of the greatest financial tools in freeing me from stress and worry. Having a set amount of easily accessible cash set aside that remains untouched, barring an emergency, allows me to not have to worry about unexpected repair bills, layoffs, etc. It is Continue Reading
Avocado Toast Matters
In May of 2017 the news media, blogosphere, twitter sphere, and almost every other sphere went crazy when Australian Real Estate Mogul Tim Gurner suggested that avocado toast was the reason a lot of millennials were not able to buy a home. Similar eruptions have happened whenever someone, usually a Continue Reading
Step 3 for Frugal Living
Last week I talked about how interest can be one of the greatest wealth inhibitors/creators in life. The best way to make sure that interest is not a wealth inhibitor in your life is to avoid/eliminate debt. As I have mentioned numerous times the goal of frugal living/financial independence is Continue Reading
Greatest Wealth Creator/Inhibitor
In his book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki writes, “The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” One of the greatest examples of this is when it comes to interest. The poor and middle class are normally working to pay the Continue Reading